Food waste

A Growing Problem

🇸🇪 Every Swede throws away an average of 33 kilos of food per year.

This means a cost of SEK 3 000 - 6 000 per family each year.
Money and resources that literally go into the garbage.

- National Food Agency

🌍 Climate impact

Globally, food waste has a huge impact on our environment. If we could reduce food waste to zero, we could reduce our total greenhouse gas emissions by 8%which is equivalent to half of emissions from all transportation globally.

💧 Water saving

Eliminating food waste would also save a quarter of all fresh water used in agriculture each year.

Impact on People

If we could reduce food waste by just 25%, it would be enough to feed the 870 million people who are currently starving, according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

🇨🇦 In Canada, almost 60% of all food produced is lost each year, equivalent to 35.5 million tons.

Of this, 32%, or 11.2 million tons, is fully edible and could help support people in our communities.

- Second Harvest

Foodie Fighting Food Waste

It’s easy to forget food at the back of the fridge or pantry. At Foodie, we want to help by:

Notifications reminding you when ingredients are about to expire.

Recipe suggestions based on ingredients you already have, giving you fresh ideas for using everything at home.

Plan your week around what’s already in your pantry, helping you avoid unnecessary purchases.

A Sustainable Future

Every time you use Foodie to reduce your food waste, you contribute to a more sustainable planet.

A win-win for your wallet and the environment!